For some of us, talking about sex, sexual desires and intimacy, and our sexual health is a tabu subject.

Others might be more open and liberal. Wherever we are, it's important we respectfully share knowledge about sexual health and how to take care of it. Speak to a trusted health provider if you are experiencing any of the following health concerns.

Libido and sexual function

Both ageing and HIV can affect our libido and sexual function. This can sometimes be because of hormonal changes, side-effects of some of the medications, or our mental health such as depression or anxiety. Rectal disfunction can be a result of ageing.


For many women living with HIV, menopause can bring additional challenges. The Menopoz guide provides information about menopause for women living with HIV who are at any stage of their menopause transition.

Telling our sexual partners

We do not have to tell our sexual partners about our HIV if we use a condom during vaginal or anal sex. Understanding our legal rights and responsibilities when it comes to having sex, is important.

Risks of getting other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Knowing how to keep our bodies protected from other STIs is important. Having HIV can put us more at risk. Find more information about safer sex and keeping ourselves safe from STIs